Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 51
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
as that of the teacher in which individualism often
dominates. Instead, in these years I learned a lot
from my colleagues, who often become friends, not
only virtual, but also real because, if things work, it
often happens that an eTwinning project becomes a
students’ exchange and maybe an Erasmus+
project that benefits from European funding.
In particular, a STEM teacher can obtain many
other benefits using the eTwinning approach in
his/her CLIL teaching:
- every good eTwinning project naturally uses a PBL
approach and the driving question arises
spontaneously from the discussion with partners
and students;
- the use of technologies, exactly with the use of
the vehicular language(s), becomes an integral part
of the learning process and not a mere theoretical
exercise: students become able to distinguish which
software tools are best on which occasions. In this
regard, I want to emphasize that BYOD becomes
essential because it is very difficult for all the
necessary hardware and software tools to be on the
computer equipment of the school. If, on the
contrary, students use their devices, not only they
don’t have problems installing everything they need
from time to time but they become more aware
that their smartphones or their tablets are tools
they can use to work with and offer many other
possibilities beyond the interaction on social
networks. By the way, eTwinning is a very safe
platform as the partner teachers can decide what is
possible to see outside and what instead can be
accessible only to the members of the project.
Students can get in touch with each other on the
platform, without having to use passwords and
credentials not controlled by the school, thus
guaranteeing privacy, also based on recent
European legislation (see on
the processing of sensitive data;
- in eTwinning it is possible to introduce elements of
gamification and use the GBL approach: for
instance, teachers can organize challenges among
international groups that bring out the best
potentials of each student, also from the
perspective of an inclusive education. In these
challenges, often the logic and, therefore, the
cognitive processes suitable to solve mathematical
problems, are stimulated and strengthened but,
thanks to the collaboration between peers, the
efforts of each student are valued and often a
virtuous circle is established. Self-esteem and
awareness of one's abilities, even the results in
standard assessment tests are often improved;
- eTwinning allows each student to learn according
to his/her own pace and to assume within each
team roles that enhance his/her potential: this is
particularly important in the teaching of STEM that
are often experienced as arid and difficult subjects;
- in these projects all European key competences
are often present and, therefore, it is good that
STEM elements are inserted in such a way as to
strengthen not only the written and oral expression
in the mother tongue and in the foreign
language(s), but also elements that consolidate the
skills STEM, together with digital, social, civic,
entrepreneurial and cultural ones (see
Now let's have a look at some examples of
eTwinning projects that I developed over the years:
- Bridges through History with Maths (2009-10) and
Bridges through History with Maths 2010-2012: an
eTwinning and then e Comenius project about Math
History (http://new- and
- Geometry in my school, Geometry in my town,
Geometry everywhere (2011): a project involving
Geometry and Art (http://new-
- Show me your stats and I will learn about you
(2011-12): starting from Statistics, we analysed
students’ habits in the different countries
- Physical Awareness (2012-13), Physical
Awareness 13-14, We run, we learn (14-15),
Physical Awareness 17: projects about Math,
Physics and Physical Education (http://new- –
Physical Awareness; http://new- –
Physical Awareness 13-14; – We run, we
learn); –
Physical Awareness 17)
- Why Maths? - 2011-12 and Why Maths? - 2012-
14: an eTwinning and then a Comenius project
involving Math and many different other subjects
(Science, Dance, Philosophy, Physics, Literature…)
(http://new- and
- My world of Math (2015-16): a project about
Math, food, orienteering in towns, Art, European
- Numb3rs (2017-18): about numbers and their
history and use by each civilization in their