Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 45

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERVIEW Ecology and ICT in the modern pedagogical process Interviewer: Svetla Popova Interviewees: Yana Zhecheva, Mariyana Mileva and Stanislava Slavcheva 3 teachers from Latinka Kindergarten in Shumen, Bulgaria gave an interview about the potential of Erasmus+ projects to grow into eTwinning projects, and is the opposite possible? Svetla Popova: Mrs. Zhecheva, Latinka Kindergarten has implemented a one-year project "Ecology and ICT in the modern pedagogical process" under Erasmus+, Key Action 1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals. Relevant to this, your institution has created eTwinning projects that have implemented what you have learned in practice. Would you tell us more about structured courses, please! Yana Zhecheva: We have applied and participated in 3 structured courses organized by LEAP /Language Education And Partnerships LTD, 34, Fallowfield Road, Walsall, WS5 3DH, United Kingdom /. The team of the trainers and director Emilia Quaranta are an excellent working machine. I admire the perfect organization before, during and after each course. The methodology required the active participation of all attendees - learners and trainers. We had the opportunity to visit different schools and get to know the education systems in three countries. Excellent training was the basis for practical application of what was learned by creating eTwinning projects. Here was shown Malaguzzi's method of developing children's creativity in the different fields of knowledge. The children experimenting and themselves make products with different materials, the teacher only registers this process. There is no demonstration or display of the work stages - something that is unthinkable for the learning process in Bulgaria. Svetla Popova: Mrs. Mileva! During the training course, you wrote down a plan for your institution's work on the subject under review. What did it involve? Mariyana Mileva: Yes, it is true. It was a mandatory element of our participation. Our plan included the dissemination of knowledge through teacher training and a practical application to develop creativity in adolescents at national and European level. This is how the eTwinning project "YOUNG COOKS" was born with partners from Georgia, Croatia and Bulgaria – Detelina Kindergarten, town of Tervel. Its aims were acquainted with the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by cooking. Svetla Popova: Mrs. Mileva, you participated in a structured "Сreative Teaching Approaches in Early Years and Pre-school Education" in Italy. Would you share the most interesting moments during the course? Mariyana Mileva: The course took place in Bologna, and this city was not chosen by LEAP by accident. The region held a leading role in writing national curricula in Italy. We visited two kindergartens. We were impressed by the lack of ICT in the children's rooms. We visited Reggio Center in Reggio Emilia. 45