Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 41

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ or in groups, develop critical thinking and improve their problem solving skills. It was also a social activity which resulted in moral and cultural development of the pupils. They learned to be more tolerant towards each other, respect each other and each other’s opinions and unite their efforts for having their small contribution to solving some environmental issues. As a final result each partner team created hand made products, drawings, posters, photo albums, PowerPoint presentations, writings, e-books, etc. The project aroused our interest and the group of pupils aged 11-15 started working on it with great interest and motivation. They demonstrated peculiar creativity and made poufs from bottles, foam plastic and worn clothes. Then they sold those poufs at a fair making a small profit. And they used this money for buying food and medicine for lonely elderly people of their district. So, the project did not only have an educational aim, it had a social aim as well. This was our pupils’ first charity activity and they realized they were responsible for helping people around them. And the vases made of bottle caps still decorate the school corridors reminding pupils of this project! This is a platform that gives an opportunity to Armenia as a small country to represent itself on equal terms with the great powers of the world, communicate without any restrictions and break national stereotypes. It enables us as representatives of small and less recognised country to develop our world outlook and feel ourselves representable with our own merits and values. We have an opportunity to implement projects about our countries, hometowns, culture, literature, holidays, customs and traditions, thus introducing ourselves to the world. One of the examples of such projects was “Famous artists”, a project within the frameworks of which each partner team presented national artists of its country. We made PowerPoint presentations about our famous artists and their works, created calendars with the artists’ pictures. The project helped the pupils brush up their English communication skills, improve ICT skills, and which is more important, enlarge their knowledge about art and famous artists of different countries. And 41