Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 40
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
Samanta Shani 8 grade
Teacher: Suela Uruci
School”Rubjeke” Durres
It's a project that we can get more knowledge and
have many developments! It's a very good project
for any age, where you can learn many new things.
I'm very happy to be part of eTwinning!
Rajmonda Çezma 9 grade
Teacher: Lindita Lohja
School "Pashko Vasa" Shkoder
eTwinning has an impact on my growth as a
person, on the things I do and on my personality. It
has helped me to understand that a good job
(project) needs to be devoted.
Our school joined eTwinning in 2013, and we have
had quite a lot of successes and achievements
during these 6 years. We have received National
Quality Labels and European Quality Labels,
national certificates and prizes, and this year we
have been recognised as an eTwinning School. This
is a great honour and responsibility for us, and we
will do our best to carry out the mission of
eTwinning Schools successfully.
Dhurata Myrtollari is an Albanian eTwinning ambassador,
a Scientix ambassador and a Leader Teacher for EU Code
Week 2019.
eTwinning Plus in Armenian Schools
by Naira Harutyunyan and Liana Karapetyan
In today's world, it is impossible to imagine any
progress, any undertaking, any project or work
without collaboration. Whatever an individual does
alone, whatever achievements he has, he will not
go too far if he does not gather around himself
people of the same interests, viewpoints, aims, and
which is more important, enthusiasm and
From the pedagogical viewpoint, collaboration and
sharing, as its part, give an opportunity to express
one's ideas, share experience, learn from others,
get inspired, trust, assist and support each other,
and as a result have success. Collaborative work in
any group, be it a group of pupils or a group of
teachers, is positive, rewarding, motivating and full
of fun.
In the face of all the challenges of the 21st century
eTwinning is the right place to make this
collaboration happen. It is a valuable tool to make
education a powerful weapon for creating a better
Armenia joined eTwinning in 2012 as a European
Neighbourhood country and the programme fluently
integrated into our educational system. The
educational system of Armenia gives an opportunity
to implement eTwinning projects within the
programme of secondary school subjects, as well as
beyond it.
We have implemented a number of projects related
to various subjects and topics such as cultural
awareness, tolerance, languages, environmental
issues, inclusive education, emotional intelligence,
The project “Creative ideas, creative things” is an
example of great and productive collaboration in
The aim of the project was to highlight some of the
environmental problems of each participating
country (lack of fresh water, waste storage,
recycling, air, water, soil pollution). First we learnt
about environmental problems of partner countries
and then tried to find appropriate solutions together
through exchange of ideas. Within the frameworks
of the project we created beautiful and useful things
by reusing materials collected in the garbage which
other people had got rid of (plastic bottles, empty
cans, batteries, bottle caps, clothes, thread, paper,
This was an educational project that helped the
pupils realise their creative potential. It gave them
an opportunity to express themselves individually