Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 32
Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter
Democracy Participation in Europe -
eTwinning Project @mb@ss@dors of Europe@n
Democr@tic Culture
by Cristina Iulia Gîlă and Zuzana Meszarosova
This article aims to demonstrate the educational
role of young people's participation and
involvement in the life of the city, better
understanding the importance of democracy.
Starting with the celebration in 2019 of the
European Year of Democratic Participation, a new
eTwinning @mbass@dors of Europe@n Democratic
Culture project was launched in the 2018-2019
school year.
Democracy mean the people are in power and thus
that all democracies are participatory. Participation
of young people can take many forms and have
different degrees: getting involved in political life
via institutions or informally, participating in
cultural activities, caring about social problems and
the community by volunteering and doing the civic
service, participating in education and the labour
Different European institutions promote European
values and democracy and human rights. These
institutions encourage active and responsible
citizenship by empowering citizens to contribute
and develop a sense of ownership over the
activities of decision-makers and institutions. The
Directorate of Democratic Participation from Council
of Europe enables Europe’s citizens to participate
effectively in today’s diverse and complex
democratic societies. Also EACEA – Education,
Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency
encourage organizations, schools working on
citizens' participation in the democratic life of the
EU, ranging from local democracy to the
empowerment of citizens to play a full part in EU
Young people in the 21st century need to
understand the importance of European institutions,
how they work and their role. Thus, by the Act of
20 September 1976 on the election of members of
the European Parliament, this was done by direct
universal suffrage (1976). This act completely
changed the institutional status of the European
Parliament and laid the foundations for a more
democratic European Union. With the entry into
force of the Treaty of Lisbon (2009), the right to
vote and stand for election has become a
fundamental right (Article 39 of the Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the European Union).
Therefore, any European citizen can choose or can
be chosen. Informing young people about the
electoral procedure and the composition of the
European Parliament were key moments in raising
awareness of the work carried out by Members of
the European Parliament. Democratic participation
is an integral part of eTwinning because it promotes
active participation of students, teachers, and head
teachers in collaborative activities.
The "@mb@ss@dors of Europe@n Democr@tic
Culture" project, developed in collaboration within
the Slovak - Italian - Romanian partnership, was
created to enhance the interest of partner school
pupils in European democratic culture. It took place
over an 8-month period and aimed to strengthen
peaceful and cultivated democracy, especially deep
understanding of the dimension of European
citizenship and actions for democratic participation