Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 31

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Undoubtedly, eTwinning was the means to open up to a new teaching based on planning, exchange and collaboration, in a multicultural context, and all this has also allowed us to receive numerous awards. Our school, in fact, obtained the status of eTwinning School in the 2018-19 school year. eTwinning Schools are recognised as leaders in their areas and transmit their expertise on:  Digital practice  eSafety practice  Innovative and creative approaches to pedagogy  Promoting continuous professional development of staff  Promoting collaborative learning practices with staff and students Through these projects, which are based on distance collaboration between schools in different European countries, the students had the opportunity to improve their skills, in particular by promoting relational skills, problem solving, the use of foreign languages in real contexts, technological skills, creativity and ability to work in groups to reach common goals. In all projects, special attention is paid to safety, ie to online safety, and in fact every year our School participates in the Safer Internet Day involving all students, parents and local authorities to promote safer use and responsible for the web and new technologies. This year the reflection on this very important theme has been made in several voices, in fact they have intervened: the Mayor of Ercolano, Avv. Ciro Buonajuto, the Councilor for Education, Avv. Lucia Busiello, and Regional Councilor Bruna Fiola. The students of our School contributed to the reflection by singing the Anti-Cyberbullying Rap "I like it", Safer Internet Song, written by the members of the GMCBeats rap workshop and Webwise Ireland, who kindly granted us the musical base, while the boys of the School Agua Dance Fitness of Bagnoli (NA), danced by the Teacher Choreographer Ballerina Simona Paparone of the Ducker Crew. Still as part of the eTwinning projects, the pupils reflected on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent, starting their journey by meeting the Scattering Authority of the Campania Region, Giuseppe Scialla, at the headquarters of the Municipal Council of Ercolano, and concluding it by meeting in Rome the National Ombudsman for children and adolescents, Filomena Albano. This year our school has won:  the National Prize 2018, eTwinning Project “Think”;  the European Label for languages 2019, eTwinning project “Think”;  Esafety Label 2019. These successes belong to the whole of our school community: pupils, teachers, ATA staff, families and are the fruit of the collaboration and commitment of all. However, a special thankyou, I, Loredana Ursini, as head teacher, owe from the bottom of my heart to the eTwinning Ambassador Cira Serio, ICT Coordinator of our school, for the professionalism and passion with which she carries out her work. She has been able to "infect" all of us, teachers, students and families, with her enthusiasm and her passion for eTwinning! Loredana Ursini is the head teacher at Scuola Paritaria Primaria "San Tarcisio" e infanzia "Bimbi lieti" in Ercolano, Italy. Cira Serio is the ICT Coordinator at this school and an eTwinning Ambasador. 31