Visibility of eTwinning Projects Groups July 2019 Newsletter Newsletter 9 | Page 25

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2019 Newsletter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Motivating end-of-school-year activity All in all, it was a very motivating lesson for wrapping up the English units of the school year. By playing the Breakout game, my students learned new vocabulary, practised their listening and viewing skills by watching real world videos and their speaking skills by talking to their partners in English. Additionally, they did a mediation exercise from English to German to explain their findings to fellow students who didn’t fully understand a task or some content of a video. The most valuable success was that the students dealt thoroughly with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations since they were already interested in “Fridays for Future“ and Greta Thunberg‘s speech. All you need for a digital Breakout We used tablets and mobile phones with wifi in the classroom. You can also go to the computer lab and play a digital Breakout game with personal computers and speakers or headphones. Our eTwinning colleagues put the challenges and introduction on a Smore ( page and explained the functions of the challenges on a page ( The Quizizz app is fun to play with in a classroom with a whiteboard or beamer which is connected to a laptop to show the progress of single players. Conclusion In the past, when I heard of Breakout EDU and Escape rooms used at school, I always wanted to create one for my classes, but never had the time or deeper knowledge on how to prepare. Now we have had this great opportunity of participating in a Breakout activity prepared by students around the globe in the course of an eTwinning project. What a chance we had and what a challenge to continue - as lifelong learners. Ideas for a new eTwinning project with digital Breakout for the coming school year are already in my mind. With eTwinning we 25