Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
I worked as a mentor + beginner team , to give support , explanations , if necessary , to the beginner . After participating in valuable activities with the new eTwinners , after presenting their ideas , as well as the ambassadors ', regarding new eTwinning projects , groups were formed according to common project ideas . Our group included three mentor + beginner teams from two different countries : Georgia and Romania ; The founder from Georgia and the Co-founder from Romania . The name of the project " Use Mindfulness In Your Activities " was agreed upon . We have discussed the sub-topics we wish to address . We established the roles of each country in the project : Leader / facilitator – Georgia , Monitoring – Romania , Timekeeper – Romania , Devil ' s Advocate – Romania .
In the second part of the activity , the group , of which I was a part , worked , through cooperation , each member , creating a brief description of the project .
The third day started with the presentation of good practice examples : winning eTwinning projects at the National eTwinning Awards – session by Agnieszka Czekajlo and Anna Krzyzanowska . The eTwinning projects presented were : " Europe through Festivals ", " Inclusion through sensory integration ", " Life cycle of chicken ".
The speakers , Agnieszka Czekajlo and Anna Krzyzanowska , presented us with the stages of planning an eTwinning Project in ten steps , as well as how the first project should be : small and simple , start with the introduction of the participants and end with the evaluation , contain objectives and clear activities , to include safe use of the Internet and use of ICT tools , to be integrated into the curriculum .