Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
In all the projects we have carried out using the eTwinning platform , we used this approach , as we considered it is the most appropriate for developing the essential skills that the children would need in the future , regardless of what profession they might choose and where they might work .
The usage of knowledge from the project and the curriculum integration refers mainly to scientific areas and foreign languages , but also to literary creations and arts . Teachers from kindergarten , primary school and middle school ( Mathematics-Physics ) or special education have adapted the mode of teaching and integration into the lesson . The language of communication is English : in writing , in data entry and exchange messages , as well as orally , such as in speech interaction during video conferences .
This project is transdisciplinary : over the course of the year , the students develop autonomy in organizing tasks and , likewise , in scientific rigor of the monitoring of the experimental protocol and of the degree of shade . Common creative activities for astronomical events or of dissemination involve teachers of foreign languages , technology and artistic subjects . For example :
Physics – the study of a body ’ s shadow and practical mathematical applications , establishing the distance between two points on the globe , the mathematical method for polynomial approximations , for the determination of the angle needed to calculate the circumference , parallelism of sunrays in overcast days , when we can ’ t directly measure shadows . Geography – together with the students we determine the geographical position of the school on the globe , the geographical coordinates of any place , we study the astronomical phenomena related to the sun and planets , equinoxes , solstices , tropics , the equator etc . Mathematics – applications of geometry concepts , algebra , trigonometry , the determination of the height of a tall body using metric relations . This project can be adapted to students of all levels of education and presumes knowledge from various areas . The approach , many times from a playful point of view , aims to acquire multiple types of knowledge : of the history of science , geography , astronomy , physics , technology , mathematics , written and oral foreign languages , ICT , arts . Via these activities , children with special needs can discover the opportunity to demonstrate their inventiveness , ingenuity , talent , as well as their eagerness to help others . These qualities , recognized by their mates , boosts their selfconfidence and the desire to continue with other areas .
The transdisciplinarity of the project maintains the development and the validation of the 8 essential skills . 1 – This objective mainly implements knowledge , abilities and attitudes related to competence in mathematics , science and technology . It applies mathematical thought