Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 71

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
thus , we can talk about the sequential , shared or ramified models .
The conic model looks at the curriculum that has been taught / studied , consolidated , evaluated in eTwinning projects , through tridimensional glasses , targeting multiple dimensions . In this way , disparate elements become compatible or support one other .
The conic integration has the advantage of natural combinations . The project “ The Harmony of Nature ” manages to successfully combine : Environmental education , Mathematics , Physics , Chemistry , Engineering , Arts , Technology , ICT , Foreign languages , Geography , School theatre , educational games etc . The students study nature from all perspectives , and create presentations based on each child ’ s competencies . The students and teachers work together enthusiastically , the project being , to a great extent , exerimental .
The sequential model looks at the curriculum through the regular glasses – the lenses are separate , yet connected through a common frame . The subjects and topics are taught separately by two different teachers from the same school involved in the project , and to the same students , but these subjects / topics are rearranged in sequential order , to offer a broad framework for connected concepts .
The teachers arrange the topics and content so that the learning units are matching . The students involved in the project collaborate to celebrate certain special days for environmental education , observed all over Europe due to their scientific significance . The students gather information about the event , exchange the information , compare and identify the differences , document their
findings and publish the results . The curriculum areas Mathematics and Sceince ( through subjects like Natural Sciences , Astronomy , Physics ), and Man and Society ( through History , Social Studies , and Religion ) are synchronised . Combinations , such as scientific data gathered on religious topics , provide a speial kind of inspiration , as these subjects are normally perceived as contradictory or mutually excluding . This model implies juxtaposition as well as connections and parallels between elements that are separate in the teaching – learning – evaluation process .
The shared model looks at the curricumul in the eTwinning project through binoculars , bringing two distinct subjects together , in one concentrated picture .
The interdisciplinary approach ( the chained model ; the integrated model ) and The transdisciplinary approach ( the assimilated model ; the network model )
Today ’ s children are different from previous generations , and their needs are also different .
Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches are essential links in the transformation of the teaching and learning processes .
School offers students information , skills , abilities , competencies through the various subjects that are taught at each level . However , this is not enough . When studied separately , they do not yield the expected results . Therefore , it has been proposed that the subjects should be combined , making connections between them , thus obtaining interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity .