Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Prize , an award given to a person or organisation that contributed to defending human rights . Students meet every year in Strasbourg , France . This year , the meeting was between the 2nd and the 6th of May 2023 .
Malala Prize . Here is the TwinSpace of the project : https :// schooleducation . ec . europa . eu / en / etwinning / projects / european-student-council-2023 / twinspace .
eTwinning projects do indeed offer students and teachers from around Europe ( and beyond ) the opportunity to collaborate with peers in designing and implementing innovative schooling . Online synchronous and / or asynchronous peer collaboration activities across the eTwinning network transcend previous limitations of space and time and increase creative teaching and learning , both in formal and informal settings . This was a precious idea put forward in an Erasmus + course that we attended at the end of May and the beginning of June 2023 in the beautiful island of Cyprus entitled “ Non-formal learning methods for supportive learning environments ”.
In Strasbourg they kept on working on what they had started in the TwinSpace the months before . The 6 Romanian students aged 15 and 16 and the other 80 students representing other European countries participated in several workshops and celebrated their collaborative work with a plenary session in the European Parliament where they voted for amendments in the European Student Council constitution and decided the winner of the
The main objective of the course was to describe and summarise the current main resources of non-formal learning methods for supporting teachers ' work , students ' development , and learning processes in schools and other educational institutions . Through experiential learning and practical experience , the two of us , teachers of English