Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
team of a project , our pupils develop their knowledge and experience . Their individual attitudes and behaviours improve through communication , respect , and adaptation . Collaborative work has a genuine advantage over the individual learning process : mutual help and various ideas lead to increased output . Untested and unproved communication has positive social effects – it helps with the building of teams and with the getting-to-know-each-other issues .
At the same time , working collaboratively is important for students ’ life and work outside the school , i . e ., for the future profession . Learners ’ ability to think both independently and with others is fostered , and this enables them to consider a plurality of points of view , which helps creative thinking – an extremely valuable skill nowadays . Last but not least , it is more fun than working alone .
During the school year 2022-2023 , we cooperated during two important eTwinning and Erasmus + projects and involved our respective students in meaningful , authentic , and valuable activities that constantly encouraged peer-to-peer collaboration . “ Theatralization as an innovative pedagogical method counteracting e-addiction and exclusion of students ” was a fruitful project developed in cooperation with the students and teachers in a school in Warsaw , Poland . We developed new solutions in working with children and young people at risk of e- addiction and exclusion . The main goal of the project was the restoration of proper dialogue and social relations of students in the school and non-school environment . You can find more information here : https :// schooleducation . ec . europa . eu / en / etwinning / projects / theatralization-innovative-pedagogicalmethod-counteracting-e-addiction-and .
The other successful project was “ European Student Council 2023 ”. The European Student Council is a representative body for uppersecondary school students in the European Union . Since 2016 , students have been working on different subjects related to both European and school issues . The students from European countries have drafted a European Student Council constitution , which is improved every year . Throughout this school year , the participants debated in the TwinSpace and on other sites issues of interest and they proposed candidates for the Malala