Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Rozalia Dziedzic is a Polish and English teacher at Szkoła Podstawowa nr 51 im . Jana Pawła II we Wrocławiu . She has been active in eTwinning since 2021 .
Ionela Tincu is an English teacher at Tătărani Primary and Secondary School , Dâmbovița , Romania . She has been active in eTwinning since 2022 . This is her first project she has participated in .
María Teresa ( Maite ) Fernández Blanco is an English teacher in the high school Beatriz Ossorio in Fabero , León , Spain . She has been active in eTwinning since 2021 . “ Share Our Local Heritage ” was her first eTwinning project .
Constantin Lucian Vlădescu is a Mathematics teacher at the Ipotești School in Olt County , Romania . He has been active in eTwinning since 2010 .
Renáta Koumarová is a teacher from the Primary school and Practical school U Trojice in Havlíčkův Brod in the Czech Republic where she teaches pupils with special needs that have deep multiple disabilities . She has been active in eTwinning since 2015 . She is an eTwinning ambassador .
Janka Lastičová is a first-grade teacher in the United Catholic School in Dolný Kubín , Slovakia . She has been active in eTwinning since 2019 and she is an eTwinning ambassador .