Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 54

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
and communities , Clean water and sanitation and Sustainable consumption and production .
the result was an in-depth analysis of the narrative text from multiple perspectives . Finally , they were able to react to the posts on the Padlet . This activity allowed students to boost their engagement and ignite their curiosity , while giving them options to demonstrate their learning .
On-site meetings One of the best features of our project was that we were able to meet physically , due to our Erasmus funds within the Accreditation in the field of school education . Thus , each school sent groups of students for a 5-day mobility .
After the common getting to know each other activity using Padlet , we created the logo and then we dived into the content of the project aiming at explaining what sustainable development is to our students . The Romanian teachers created a lesson plan accompanied by worksheets and all the participants carried them out in order to have a unitary vision on the topic . https :// www . flipsnack . com / 333mariua / whatare-the-sdgs . html
Group mobility of students in Slovenia We met for the first time in October 2022 in Laporje , at OŠ Gustava Šiliha , a small rural school , with the aim of improving our students ’ competence in the field of sustainable cities and communities . Thus , they could observe houses built with sustainable materials or nature-friendly initiatives such as frog road signs . Students learnt that the presence of frogs was an indicator of the cleanness of the environment .
Reacting to reading In the context of introducing SDG 12- Sustainable consumption and production , we carried out an activity which appealed to the participants : reading the graded reader Mystery at the Mill by Elspeth Rawstron and reacting to it . On a dedicated Padlet , the students were presented a choice board for post-reading activities . They could take on one or more roles to work on a particular area and