Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 48

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Get the Ball Rolling AKA Eco Echoes by Marie Krčmářová and Renata Večerková
ECO ECHOES is a project aimed at very young learners to interface English , new culture , ICT skills and most importantly the core themes : living creatures , saving water , recycling ( reducing and reusing waste ) and energy sources . The project is a result of collaboration between Szkoła Podstawowa nr 84 im . Tadeusza Kościuszki , Poznań , Poland , Szkoła Podstawowa im . Kar . Stefana Wyszyńskiego , Runowo , Poland , and Základní škola , Kroměříž , Komenského náměstí 440 , Czech Republic .
This short-term project brings collaboration and develops 21st century skills , alongside raising awareness of global problems . Children and teachers celebrate Earth Day , learn to respect diversity , and help the planet at the same time . Moreover , the project is fun and enjoyable .
Target group : pupils aged 8-11 .
Aims : Developing sociocultural and multicultural competence , communicative skills , as well as eSafety , Netiquette , and the core themes , which are global issues , such as nature , water , recycling , energy sources and soft skills , all in focus . The project also establishes and builds up a responsible attitude towards the environment .
Specific Educational Objectives : to learn about other European countries ; to build a sense of belonging to European community ; to develop students ’ awareness to the problems of the planet ; to show the pupils ( and families ) how to get involved in an easy and effective way and to encourage them to continue on a daily
basis , to apply a multidisciplinary approach in learning and developing students ’ life-long learning skills ; to improve students ’ digital skills in working with online tools ; to build skills for safe and responsible use of the Internet ; to develop teamwork skills : communication , time management , problemsolving , listening , critical thinking , collaboration , and shared leadership .
Expected results : developed 21st century skills such as social , intercultural , digital and civic skills , raised awareness towards nature and the environment , increased eco pro-active attitudes of all the participants involved , and collaboration with the outcomes of the following : collaborative logo of the project , eSafety Padlet noticeboard , Busy bees e-book , online eco art gallery , online eco dictionary , teaching posters , worksheets and online games , four posters to match the weeks – suggestions to help the planet , and a collaborative video .
Key competences : 1 . Communication in mother tongue and in foreign language : motivation to learn foreign languages , developing listening , speaking , understanding skills . Students can greet one another , introduce themselves , and learn basic vocabulary in terms of the environment . 2 . Social and civic competences : skills to work in teams , respect other pupils ' point of view , and awareness of global problems . 3 . Digital skills : eSafety and Netiquette awareness , responsibility to use the Internet , digital citizenship ; skills to use Web-2 tools autonomously . 4 . Students work with the following online tools and applications : Padlet , Google Forms , PowerPoint , QR-code reader , Learning Apps , Wordwall , Quizizz , PosterMyWall , Canva , Storyjumper and AnswerGarden . The pupils