Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Regarding the activity " Greeting in geometric style ", students were encouraged to explore how geometric shapes can be used to create greeting cards and creative messages . They experimented with GeoGebra software with various geometric designs to create unique and interesting greetings . This playful approach encouraged creativity and demonstrated how geometry can be applied in an artistic and expressive way .
in nature , symmetry in architecture and symmetry in art . They enthusiastically presented the results of their research and emphasized the importance of symmetry in these areas .
Within the " Symmetry in nature " aspect , students investigated and brought examples of symmetrical shapes in nature , such as flowers with symmetrical petals , crystals and outdated insect structures . They looked at how symmetry is used in the evolution and adaptation of organisms to the environment , as well as in the aesthetic beauty of the natural world .
Link : https :// www . canva . com / design / DAFTFpyJJMo / 9TpAnzUVPNnP1XzhlemwNA / view ? utm _ conte nt = DAFTFpyJJMo & utm _ campaign = designshar e & utm _ medium = link & utm _ source = publishsha relink .
Through these three aspects , students gained a deep understanding of geometry and its importance in everyday life . This activity promoted critical thinking , problem-solving and creativity , thus contributing to the development of mathematical skills and appreciation of the value of geometry in real life .
Through the activity " Symmetry in real life ", students explored various aspects of symmetry in the real world , such as symmetry
Link : https :// www . geogebra . org / m / xdqgbuzf .
In terms of Symmetry in architecture , students explored how architects use symmetry to create balanced and visually pleasing structures . They brought examples of famous buildings and monuments , such as where symmetry is used to convey a message of harmony and grandiosity .