Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 32

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
their democratic participation . We adopted measures to ensure that every student , regardless of their abilities , had the opportunity to actively participate and contribute to the project . Furthermore , we encouraged mutual respect , collaboration , and appreciation of diverse perspectives .
Our project also took part in the European Authors ' Day initiative promoted by the European Commission through Mariya Gabriel , Commissioner for Innovation , Research , Culture , Education , and Youth , who launched the initiative in Sofia with Georgi Bardarov , a renowned Bulgarian author and winner of the EU Prize for Literature in 2021 . European Authors ' Day aims to showcase literature as a tool for individual empowerment , equipping students with appropriate skills to address social and personal challenges . Student tutors created posters on Canva to promote and announce events at their respective schools , and an online meeting was particularly engaging , during which students met the writer Maria Punzo , author of the book " Fattore Z ," who was invited to the eTwinning School San Tarcisio . Local authorities and educators praised the students ' and teachers ' work , recognizing the importance of innovative educational initiatives in the eTwinning Just a Flower project . The dedications made by the author and local authorities to the students were very touching .
We also collaborated with " Scuola Futura " in " Innovamenti Tech ," an initiative aimed at promoting technological innovation in education . Together , we developed the " Julius Caesar ' s cipher " wheel , as suggested by Innovamenti Tech , to engage students in cryptography and decryption activities . This double twinning strengthened the team spirit ,
significantly improving collaboration skills and allowing students to understand the importance of cybersecurity and refine their logical and creative abilities .
Throughout the various project activities , students consistently demonstrated remarkable commitment , enthusiasm , and creativity in problem-solving and working together , acquiring key skills such as critical thinking , collaboration , and communication , which are essential to face today ' s world ' s challenges .
We are immensely proud of our “ Just a Flower ” project , which contributed to the formation of active , aware , and competent citizens . Our project aimed to show how collaboration among schools , families , and communities can help shape informed and capable citizens , ready to build a better future for all . We hope that our project can inspire other schools worldwide .
Here are a few things about us , the teachers in the project .
DHURATA CUKA I ' m an eTwinning Ambassador , Scientix Ambassador and Leading Teacher in Codeweek for Albania and I ' m a primary school teacher . Always I try to get my students ' trust , to interact with them and to have better results during work and activities . Always I look for innovation and creativity into my daily work with my students and my colleagues . I teach and train by personal example .