Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 14

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Romania , Republic of Moldova and Cyprus : Saf ( eT ) yLandia – Be responsible online ! The following link leads to the presentation : https :// tinyurl . com / c6952c6c .
The last workshop I attended was " Social media : how do we turn it into a pedagogical tool ?", led by Luis Gonçalves . During the session , we were familiarized with various examples of using social networks for teaching purposes and / or disseminating results and good practices in school . Then , in international teams , we created content , as an example of being posted on one of the social networks used more often by teachers . Our team created a photo and text for Instagram by using artificial intelligence .
Day three started with the presentation of the product obtained by working in international teams to " build " the eTwinning community . I was a part of the technology group , and the product obtained was a video in which we introduced the " talking " photo of the 10 ambassadors of the team , who conveyed a message in verse about the importance of using technology in education ( all created with AI ): https :// tinyurl . com / mr3sekmd .
The last plenary session was dedicated to ambassadors : six ambassadors from different countries were chosen , after a prior selection , to present innovative , creative or well-being models / projects in schools and / or develop learning communities . I had the honor to open the session and I presented a project carried out in the school year 2020-2021 , awarded at national level and model of good practices in
For me , participating in this workshop meant , first of all , reconnection and the joy of working in transnational teams . We learned new web tools , shared best practices , identified possible partners for future projects and lived wonderful moments in a living community , beyond platforms and screens . eTwinning is the broadening of horizons towards international collaboration , career growth and development , the joy of lifelong friends and , last but not least , the certainty that learning can take place in any context , if the mind is open and looks to the future . Long live eTwinning !
Cornelia Melcu is a primary school teacher in Brasov , Romania . Additionally , she is a teacher trainer , and she is mentoring newly qualified teachers and trainee teachers . She is also Scientix Ambassador in Romania , eTwinning ambassador , ESERO consul and an award winner in several competitions ( eTwinning Awards and national competitions . Cornelia is currently involved in Erasmus + programme , using extracurricular activities and projects to motivate her students .