Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
Students were randomly divided into mixed teams for collaboration and project work . We used the Forum space for students with open discussion threads and created in the online tools the possibility of interaction Canva , Padlet , Wakelet , Linoit and contact between students for the final products . In the TwinSpace everyone worked in a national or mixed team and uploaded finished products . Part of the tasks were collaborative for the final project products - digital books , presentations or videos , games or puzzles - Wordwall , JigsawPlanet .
During the project we had chat meetings for discussions and cultural knowledge . We have confronted the students in a meeting on Microsoft Team with a Kahoot competition between the participating partners . partner teachers met online in eTwinning webinars and Europe Day / eTwinning online events . We have created LIVE eTwinning events to disseminate the project or International Days of Celebration .
The final products were created using Sway , Canva , Genially , Video , Fliphtml5 were created collaboratively by the student partners . The project meetings were surprising and beneficial for the development of communication skills but also for the formation of socializing attitudes with other students from other countries , the presentation of the students and their impressions was very pleasant for them due to the novelty of the event . In the space of the project , the parents gave the consent of the students , and we respected the elements of safety and online behavior . The students ' tasks made them responsible , ambitious and interested in quality work towards their teammates . The collaborative attitude is an asset in the success of the products .
Products : Google https :// docs . google . com / spreadsheets / d / 1hncS 2S7qGNPQJAn2oaIA1drwA _ p3KHWFj8bKMJp1i _ Y / edit # gid = 0 Sway https :// sway . office . com / nFXhtAxgS8TP34Op ? r ef = Link & loc = play Picktochart https :// create . piktochart . com / output / 54139912 -mindfulness-healthylifestyle BookCreator https :// read . bookcreator . com / bZ4GeyshOjfbl3 6j4QqKYYfZjws1 / B-fxIlTDS6S9D663MjE70g Canva https :// www . canva . com / design / DAEx5NUufA / 8jbt6paE1uvb4rDP7yBtkw / edit ? utm _ conte nt = DAEx5NUufA & utm _ campaign = designshare & utm _ mediu m = link2 & utm _ source = sharebutton Video presentation https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = yb1JBf5y0 BY & t = 2s GoogleForms https :// docs . google . com / forms / d / e / 1FAIpQLSd co _ wKlJvPkHcOpZQn6iF6oTRxguB2RAewV1Sk ljEzLHPDSA / viewform Genially https :// view . genial . ly / 627c2eb48902a400183b9 98a / interactive-content-social-emotionallearning Video clips https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = vYlq4mJ2 FV8 , https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 1cck7LDU1 Q0 Meetings https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = l7oFNR1c M3I Project partners https :// sites . google . com / view / healthwellbeing-etwinning / partnersproject ? authuser = 0