Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
INFOAMBIENTE , LEGAMBIENTE , ACRA , CARITAS , LILT . aware of the importance of using what learnt to change the world around , contributing to make it better .
In our collaborative Padlet there are contributes made by our Study Group members along the webinars , course and MOOC development modules . They clearly show what an effective change was implemented by the online PD .
Other great evidence is offered by the Learning Journals . All the designed Learning Scenarios in both the course and the MOOC were then put into practice , with a very positive effect on the teaching / learning process and the students ’ improved motivation , engagement , autonomy .
Evaluating the success of the Study Group The monitoring Activity was carried out through questionnaires , interviews , surveys observations .
Surveys were made at the beginning ( expectations ), in progress ( related to course topic and process , to monitor the difficulties or critical points , as well as the opportunities arising ), at the end , as a post course Survey , on the model of SWOT analysis .
We took a collaborative Learning Diary for the process and outcomes related to the study group work as a sort of Storytelling , taking notes about the different steps .
We established rubrics or check lists to assess the implementation with students ( selfevaluation or peer evaluation ), making them
The students expressed agreement for the innovative strategies , the Project Based Learning and their more active roles that improved their soft skills and their learning management .