Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13 | Page 114

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
" Water Warriors " stands as another transformative project that united students and teachers from various countries . This project brought together 5th-grade students from " Gheorghe Lazăr " National College in Sibiu , Romania , along with schools from Poland , Turkey , Spain , Georgia , and Jordan . Their common goal was to protect water resources and raise awareness about water conservation .
" Unique Art from Reused Parts " and " Water Warriors ", through their focus on environmental awareness , creativity , global collaboration , and supportive teacher involvement , have significantly promoted school well-being by empowering students , fostering a sense of purpose , and creating a positive and inclusive learning atmosphere .
With the success and impact of these eTwinning projects , we are eagerly looking forward to our next collaborative ventures .
Alexandra Bega is a teacher of English as a Foreign Language at Colegiul Național Gheorghe Lazăr in Sibiu , Romania . She is a motivated educator seeking to better the lives of her students and improve her school and community through cross-cultural interactions and an expanded world view . She has served as a team member and organizer for international partnership projects , such as Comenius , Erasmus + and Academy of Central European Schools . For over six years , she has implemented innovative and exciting eTwinning projects in her classroom . Her creative approach to teaching and love for languages inspire her students to become active learners .
Over several months , students collaborated on various activities , educational materials , and interactive workshops , designed to deepen their understanding of water conservation , and encourage innovative solutions . By embracing creative thinking , they explored ways to reduce water waste , promote watersaving habits , and create awareness campaigns within their communities .