Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2023 Newsletter
During the project , collaborative activities and propaganda campaigns were organized to raise awareness among classmates and citizens of their neighbourhood or city to contribute with small gestures to safeguarding our planet .
One of the activities that involved and enthused all the children despite the different age groups was the participation in the project " The sun in the classroom " which involved an expert from the ANTER association .
This has given kids a clue that it ' s the little steps that make the difference . The slogan of our project was in fact " Small gestures for great results ".
The collaboration between the two partner schools has been very significant and has allowed the strengthening of the foreign language . communication in Italian and English is very important for both schools . The little ones in Slovenia should study Italian as a second language and making videos and tutorials in our language for Italian children has enabled them to facilitate their learning . Similarly , the Italian children did the same thing in English and this made the project invaluable in terms of sharing , inclusion and accessibility .
The teacher who attended the I . C . S . G . Bosco di Napoli illustrated animated videos of superheroes defenders of the planet to all classes , involving them in discussions and interactive games . at the end of the course the children received a certificate of DEFENDER of the environment .