Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group Newsletter Newsletter 13

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group NEWSLETTER 13

~ Loading the right cargo ~ July 2023

In this issue :
• The Imperative Need for Robust Technical Support in eTwinning : Overcoming Challenges during Platform Transition – Rosa Luisa Gaspar , Portugal
• An AI Master Chef in Our eTwinning Cuisine – Theodora Tsagkari , Greece
• Motivational Power Vectors of Learning – Violeta Daniela Nedelcu , Romania
• What Is the Weather Like in Europe ? – Andrea Ullrich , Germany
• Savourer mon assiette sans détraquer ma planète – Murièle Dejaune , France
• Empowering eTwinning Schools through School-based Study Groups – Marisa Badini , Italy
Teaching & Learning with eTwinning
Editor : Daniela Bunea ISSN 2247-6881 ISSN – L 2247-6881