Virginia Golfer September/October 2013 | Page 9

Fit For play Loose and Limber at the Last minute No time to waist at the tee? These stretches will get your golf muscles engaged just in time for your first swing | Illustrations by BarrY roSS by ToM CUnneff with ToMMY Miller, Pga, Titleist Performance Institute-certified instructor and general manager, Virginia Oaks Golf Club, Gainesville, Va. CONDITION THE CORE The golf swing is a rotary motion, so you want to make sure you wake up both sides of your core. Bend your arms at 90-degree angles and raise them to shoulder height with your fists pointing skyward like a goalpost. Then tilt to one side or the other and stay in this stretch for eight to 12 seconds before repeating it on the other side. W e all lead such busy lives these days that sometimes we can’t make it to the course as early as we’d like. In fact, circumstances mean that some of us show up five or 10 minutes before our starting time. If that’s the case, it’s best not to rush through a range session where hurried swings could adversely affect your tempo on the course. If you’re pressed for time, it’s better to perform the exercises below, according to Tommy Miller, the general manager and Titleist Performance Institute-certified PGA professional at Virginia Oaks Golf Club in Gainesville. “Showing up at the last minute happens a lot more than you think,” Miller says. “Even if you have time for the range, it’s a good idea to do these stretches before you start hitting balls.” ARMS MOVEMENT, SUPPLE SHOULDERS Extend your right arm across your chest and pull on your right elbow with your left hand so that you feel a stretch in your shoulder. Hold the position for eight to 12 seconds, then switch arms. FINGERS TO TOES Begin with a simple toe touch by placing your feet together and legs straight as you reach down as far as you can toward your toes. Let your arms hang down naturally and hold it for eight to 12 seconds. Author Tom Cunneff is a writer from Hilton Head, S.C., and a regular contributor to Virginia Golfer. More Green. Less Fee. A golfer’s dream. Unlimited play on our green and lush 6,400 yard Shenandoah Valley course nestled amid Virginia’s equally beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Package includes meals and lodging, greens fees and cart for 18 holes daily and extra round for cart fees only! For more details check out or call (888) 443-6551. 3 Day / 2 Night Packages from $255 Per person, double occupancy, includes tax Another effective technique is point your right arm skyward so that your bicep is close to your ear. Next, place your bent left arm behind your head in a triangle formation and pull on your right elbow with your left hand to feel a stretch in your right tricep. After maintaining good form for eight to 12 seconds, switch arms. w w w. v s g a . o r g Master_VSGA_Sept13_MASTER2.indd 7 September/OctOber 2013 | Virginia golfer 7 8/30/13 8:35 AM