Globetrotting former VSGA Amateur champion Brinson
Paolini is gaining a foothold on his professional golf career
by JiM DUCiBella
the best week of
brinson paolini’s
nascent career as a
professional golfer
started out like a
scene from National
Lampoon’s european
The room in Paris was––how to say it?––a
little small. How small?
“I couldn’t walk around the lone twin bed,”
Paolini, 22, says with a laugh. “I had to sleep
with my luggage on the bed.”
Hey, if you’re going to play professional
golf, you have to know how to scramble.
Paolini ditched the cellblock/room and
found a family that would host him for the
rest of the week.
And––quel suprise––the week ended with a
victory celebration. Trailing Sihwan Kim by
five shots entering the final round of the Le
Vaudreuil Golf Challenge, the recent Duke
graduate from Virginia Beach fired a finalround 68, his fourth consecutive round in the
60s. He got to 19 under par with a birdie on
the 72nd hole that he hoped would be good
enough to force Kim into a playoff.
Instead, his fel ??X??\]]?XYHB??YK\]???^H?H\?