Virginia Golfer Sep / Oct 2021 | Page 17

Around The Commonwealth
( VSGA Junior Girls ’ Golf Championship at Fauquier Springs CC ), but I still finished it out strong , and made a good score . You just have to learn how to get over it .
VG : You have competed in the U . S . Kids Golf World Championship at Pinehurst since you were 6 , so could you tell me a little more about your experience playing in the championship over the past few years ? VM : It was really fun . I made a lot of amazing friends who are competing at the top levels now , so it ’ s great to see that . Seeing people from all over the world and how much work everyone is putting into the sport is motivating and humbling as well . It makes you want to go home and work harder for the next year to come back and play . to people , so I think that would be a really cool next step for me .
VG : Who is your favorite celebrity that you have met so far and who would you like to meet ? VM : Probably Shawn Mendes because I was really obsessed with him at the time , and he is really talented . I would say him or maybe Lin Manuel Miranda because he is insanely talented . I don ’ t even understand how he does what he does , and he is a great businessman and he seems like a nice guy , so I would say that is pretty inspiring what he does . I really want to meet Taylor Swift . She is a really great businesswoman and a great performer and kind person , so I ’ d say her .
Sara Buechler was a USGA P . J . Boatwright intern for the VSGA this past summer , with a focus on communications .
VG : What has been your greatest achievement so far ? VM : For golf , that ’ s tough . I have a won a lot of things that are special to me when I was younger . It would probably be the National Drive , Chip and Putt to go to Augusta . At the time , I was only nine , but it meant so much to my dad because he has loved golf his whole life and me getting to bring him there . I can reflect on it more now and realize how special that was . Either that , or when I was younger , I played in a U . S . Kids ’ international in Venice , Italy right before I went on vacation and won it in a playoff , so that was really special and to be in Italy was fun .

“ My favorite thing is probably after you have a bad hole or a bad stretch but being able to come back and make some birdies and hang in it because that used to always be the hardest thing for me .”

VG : What is your next goal you would like to achieve in your golf or music career ? VM : With college coming up , I think my next big goal is to keep up my academics , with harder classes coming up . Playing D-I golf would be a huge goal . Also personally getting better at learning how to deal with failure and keeping your confidence up and coming back because it is hard for me mentally . I have gotten a lot better at it in this past year , but I think that will serve me well in life , if I can keep working through that . Golf is a good test for that because you are constantly having setbacks . [ For music ,] I have been looking into doing some ghost writing and putting out songs or songwriting and selling them
Victoria Matthews participates in the VSGA Women ' s Stroke Play
Championship at Stoney Creek at Wintergreen Resort in June .
vsga . org S EPTEMBER / O CTOBER 2021 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 15