Virginia Golfer Sep / Oct 2020 | Page 9

Around The Commonwealth Tatum Walsh recent graduate Rory Weinfurther as a St. Catherine’s champion. Walsh, a member at Salisbury Country Club, was second in stroke-play qualifying, behind only Shin. Her toughest opponent in match play was Melanie Walker, who pushed Walsh to the 19th hole in the tournament semifinals. But once she reached the final, Walsh never trailed against Shin, winning the match with a par on No. 15. A recent swing change played a big role in Walsh’s improvement this summer, but it wasn’t the overriding reason for her first major tournament victory. “The swing change definitely helped, but really it was just gaining confidence, playing more, and practicing,” Walsh said. STAY A PART OF THE GAME Whatever you’re apart of. Stay that way. MATTY MADDEN OMNIHOTELS.COM/THEHOMESTEAD S EPTEMBER/O CTOBER 2020 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 7