Around The Commonwealth
“It’s always been one
that I’ve wanted to
win, ever since I was
in the eighth grade. I
always looked up to
the girls who won this
tournament. To say I
won it before my junior
career ends, it’s a
good feeling.”
—Becca DiNunzio
To say Becca DiNunzio has been knocking
on the door of winning a VSGA title would
be an understatement. The 17-year-old
from Norfolk, now a freshman at Virginia
Tech, was the medalist at the VSGA Wom-
en’s Amateur. She has been on multiple
Virginia invitational teams for interstate
matches. She nearly qualified for the
LPGA’s Kingsmill Championship. She was
due, and given an opportunity to win in
Becca DiNunzio capped a
strong summer with a win
in the 50th VSGA Junior
Girls' Championship.
one of her final junior events, she didn’t
let it go to waste. DiNunzio made a crucial
up-and-down for par on 17 while clinging
to a two-shot lead in the final round at
Broad Bay and went on to claim a four-
stroke victory.
“It’s definitely a huge accomplish-
ment,” said DiNunzio, who followed her
opening-round 69 with a 5-under 65 to
post a two-day aggregate 134. “It’s always
been one that I’ve wanted to win, ever
since I was in the eighth grade. I always
looked up to the girls who won this tour-
nament. To say I won it before my junior
career ends, it’s a good feeling.”
Elsewhere: Virginia defeated Maryland
8 ½-3 ½ in the 21st Virginia-Maryland
Junior Girls’ Matches, the VSGA squad’s
third straight win in the event. … Alina Ho
shot a two-day 150 to win the 12-13 girls
division at the 13th VSGA Youth Cham-
pionship. … The Carolinas defeated the
Virginia/Maryland team 7-5 to win the
18th Mid-Atlantic Junior Girls’ Challenge.
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