Virginia Golfer November / December 2014 | Page 15

SUPPORT VIRGINIABOUND COLLEGE STUDENTS The VSGA VIP Card Program involves much more than great deals on golf. By purchasing a VSGA VIP Card, you help fund the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation. Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors with an interest in golf who are planning to stay in the commonwealth for college. Criteria for the awards are an active interest in golf (ability not important), academic achievement, citizenship and character. Since 1984, the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation has awarded $1.95 million to 852 students. In 2014, grants ranged from $1,000 to $7,000. The VIP Card also benefits some of the state’s top agronomy students conducting turfgrass research at Virginia Tech, a great example of how the VSGA is working to improve amateur golf at the grass-roots level. ALGONKIAN GOLF COURSE, BEDFORD COUNTRY CLUB, Sterling One play Monday-Thursday year-round and Fridays after 12 p.m. No holidays. Phone: (703) 450-4655 Bedford BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 WEEKEND PLAY IN 2015 Three plays Monday-Thursday after 10 a.m. or Friday-Sunday as available. No holidays. Please call in advance to reserve a starting time. Phone: (540) 586-8407 ALTAVISTA COUNTRY CLUB, Hurt Nine plays Monday-Friday year-round. Please call in advance to reserve a starting time. Phone: (434) 324-7276 AMELIA GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, Amelia BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Five plays anytime. No holidays. Phone: (804) 561-2640 AQUIA HARBOUR GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, Stafford BELMONT GOLF COURSE, Richmond Three plays Monday-Thursday anytime from January-February or NovemberDecember. No play on Fridays, weekends or holidays. Phone: (804) 501-4653 BIDE-A-WEE GOLF COURSE, Portsmouth Unlimited play Monday-Friday from January-March and in December. No holidays. Phone: (757) 393-8600 ASHLEY PLANTATION, Daleville BIRDWOOD GOLF COURSE, Two plays Monday-Friday anytime or Saturdays and Sundays after 1 p.m. from January-March or October-December. Two plays Monday-Friday after 11 a.m. from April-September. SPECIAL OFFER: Seven dollars off a round on Saturdays and Sundays before 11 a.m. from AprilNovember (one-time use). Phone: (540) 992-4653 Charlottesville One play each month Monday-Thursday in January, February or December. One play each month Monday-Thursday in July and August after 11 a.m. SPECIAL OFFER: One play Monday-Thursday in March and November for $40. Two plays total (includes green fee and cart). Phone: (434) 293-4653 AUBURN HILLS GOLF CLUB, Riner BIRKDALE GOLF CLUB, BAY CREEK RESORT & CLUB, Chesterfield Four plays Monday-Thursday year-round after 10 a.m. Starting times are required and may be made no more than 48 hours in advance. VIP Cards are nontransferable. SPECIAL OFFER: Two plays Friday-Sunday in July and August between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. for $39 (includes a bag of practice balls). No holidays. Starting times cannot be made more than 24 hours in advance. Phone: (804) 739-8800 Cape Charles One play Monday-Thursday anytime in January or February. No holidays. Phone: (757) 331-8623 Additional donations to the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation are gladly accepted. Individuals or entities interested in establishing a named scholarship may contact the VSGA VIP Department at (804) 378-2300. Four plays Monday-Friday anytime. No holidays. Two plays on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Phone: (540) 659-4478 Four plays Monday-Friday. No holidays. Unlimited play on Saturdays and Sundays after 2 p.m. Phone: (540) 381-4995 SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION DONOR iSTOCKPHOTO.COM Virginia Courses BLUE HILLS GOLF CLUB, Roanoke BIGGER PLAYING WINDOW FOR 2015 Five plays. One play each month from BATTLEFIELD GOLF CLUB AT CENTERVILLE, Chesapeake Four plays Monday-Thursday year-round. No holidays. Phone: (757) 482-4779 w w w. v s g a . o r g N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 14 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 13