Virginia Golfer November / December 2014 | Page 14

Save time and order online at THE 2015 VSGA VIP CARD PROGRAM With discounts at more than 200 courses, the VSGA VIP Card Program provides access and value at some of the finest layouts in Virginia and West Virginia T he courses listed on the following pages support the Virginia State Golf Association and its mission to promote amateur golf in the commonwealth by participating in the VSGA VIP Card Program. Individuals who purchase a VIP Card are entitled to VIP pricing at more than 200 of the premier courses throughout Virginia and West Virginia with the rental of a motorized cart (some restrictions apply). Those who sign up at the Supporter ($65), Supporter Couple ($115) and Student ($33 for ages 22 and under) levels will receive a VIP Card. Individuals who sign up in the Sponsor ($150), Sponsor Couple ($195) and Gold Level ($500) categories receive all of the above, plus additional playing opportunities at the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club and The Homestead. Please note that eClub Members ($97) receive Supporter Level amenities and a VSGA membership at their local eClub. AS A VIP CARDHOLDER, YOU’LL RECEIVE: Complimentary green fees at more than 200 of the best courses in Virginia and West Virginia A generic 2015 bag tag (a personalized bag tag is available for an additional $6) An annual bimonthly subscription to Virginia Golfer magazine A VSGA Member Club Directory supplement (for all cards ordered by Dec. 31, 2014) Continuing for 2015—The Homestead and Golden Horseshoe offer Sponsor and Gold Level participants additional amenities A free monthly e-newsletter, keeping you updated on golf news in Virginia and additional Golfers who sign up as a VSGA eClub Member ($97) receive a Supporter Level VIP Card as well as a Handicap Index, which includes all other VSGA member benefits. As an eClub Member, golfers have the ability to post scores online and play in nearly 100 VSGA One-Day events. 12 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 14 special offers for VSGA VIP cardholders VSGA VIP cardholders are entitled to at least one VIP round at any of the layouts listed during the playing windows on the following pages. Golfers are expected to pay a VIP fee, which covers 18 holes of golf and a motorized cart (unless otherwise noted). Rates and playing windows vary from course to course and are contracted with each participating club. For 2015, the following pricing guidelines will be in place for the obligatory VSGA VIP round: From January-Match and November-December, the maximum VIP fee is $26 (Monday-Thursday) and $31 (FridaySunday). From April-October, the maximum VIP fee is $30 (Monday-Thursday) and $40 (Friday-Sunday). Special offers may have a slightly higher price point. The VIP Card lists specific restrictions that apply as to the time of day, week and months the card may be used. Courses may limit the number of VIPs per party due to available starting times. Golfers must call in advance for a starting time and identify themselves as VIP cardholders. For the most up-to-date listing of participating courses, VIP fees and restrictions, please visit the VSGA website at Cards are valid Jan. 1, 2015 and expire on Dec. 31, 2015. *COURSES, TIMES AND DATES ON THE 2015 VSGA VIP CARD ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE GOLFERS: SCOTT K. BROWN; iSTOCKPHOTO.COM Play for Special Rates and Support Our Scholars