Virginia Golfer Nov / Dec 2016 | Page 6

Contents NOV/DEC 2016 AROUND THE COMMONWEALTH 7V  SGA Fall Review A look back at some of the VSGA’s late-season championships. 9T  he Rules Honor, who’s away, and how order of play affects stroke and match play. 10 M  ember Clubs The Wednesday Whackers are just one of many recreational golfers’ clubs that are members of the VSGA. 7 DEPARTMENTS GREAT HOLES 13 No. 8 at Kinloch  This downhill par-4 hole is a gem on one of the top-rated courses in the country. MY TURN 40 Palmer’s Lasting Mark  Arnold Palmer legacy can be found on golf courses around Virginia. 4 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | N O V E M B E R /D E C E M B E R 2 0 16 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2016 CHRIS LANG; KINLOCH GOLF CLUB; VSGA ARCHIVES 40 13 $2.95 Official publication of the Virginia State Golf Association as a service to its more than 72,000 members and VIP cardholders ON THE COVER: VIP Program Illustrated Cover by Jeff Nelson,