Virginia Golfer Nov / Dec 2016 | Page 5

Contents NOV/DEC 2016 FEATURES 14 From Humble Beginnings The VSGA VIP Golf Card program has grown exponentially in the last three decades. 16 You Play. They Win. A look at the Virginia and West Virginia courses participating in the 2017 VSGA VIP Golf Card Program. 32 Coming Together The USGA’s plan to better collaborate with State and Regional Golf Associations in the future is taking shape. 36 Southern Draw Plan your winter golf getaway for these can’t-miss courses in South Carolina and Northeast Florida. TRUE BLUE Once an indigo plantation, True Blue is now dubbed the Myrtle Beach area’s top public course by Golf Digest. N OV E M B E R /D E C E M B E R 2 0 16 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 3