Virginia Golfer May/June 2024 May/June 2024 | Page 38

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How Yoga can enhance your golf game by DAVE POND

Golf is a sport that demands a unique blend of physical and mental prowess . It requires a strong swing , precise control , and the ability to manage focus under pressure . While many golfers dedicate significant time to perfecting their swing mechanics , one often overlooked aspect of training is flexibility and body awareness . This is where yoga can become a game-changer .

“ The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘ yuj ,’ meaning ‘ to yoke ,’ or ‘ to unite ,’” said Lisa Mijares , a Springfield-based registered yoga teacher . “ The practice aims to create union between body , mind , and spirit , as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness . It is the practice of spiritual and physical inner wellbeing , builds physical and mental strength , flexibility , balance , and focus , and increases the use of muscle memory that is essential and critical to any sport or physical activity .”
Breathe and Focus
This exercise relaxes the mind , readies the body , and reduces negativity and anxiety , helping golfers activate muscle memory for the desired golf fundamentals ( like teeing off , putting , analyzing the best club for the shot , or staying calm when the ball goes into a bunker ). 1 . Stand or sit in a comfortable position , with eyes closed or relaxed .
2 . Breathe in , filling your lungs entirely with air . Use a slow count of five during inhalation . While breathing , look at the golf course and discover the beauty of the grass , trees , flowers , and wildlife . 3 . Pause momentarily , and slowly release the air , with a slow count of six to exhale . 4 . Repeat four to five times .
Yoga integrates physical postures , breathing exercises , and meditation , offering many benefits that can significantly improve your golf game .
“ Having the fundamentals of golf makes it easy to transition to yoga poses and movement that support the game ,” said Mijares , an avid golfer . “ When the body is not conditioned to work through this high level of stress and torque that is repeated through an 18-hole golf game to the trunk ( cervical , thoracic spine , and lumbar ), it reacts with tightness , soreness and / or injury . Yoga works the spine with six basic movements to condition it . The exercises or poses focus on and use flexion , extension , rotation right and left and lateral flexion right and left .”
Here ’ s how incorporating yoga into your routine can help you tee off towards lower scores and a more enjoyable golfing experience .
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