Virginia Golfer May/June 2024 May/June 2024 | Page 37

Post-Shot Process Target Focus
There is no reason to be disappointed after an average outcome if you were uncomfortable over the shot .
Aggressive or Cautious ? Drivable par 4s and reachable par 5s often present an opportunity to decide between aggression and caution . The same can be said when facing a challenging recovery shot after a poor drive into the trees .
If there is only one thing giving you doubt about the aggressive play , you are allowed to take the risk . Once there are two or more things giving you doubt , you have to play the safe shot . Examples of doubt :
• Dislike the distance
• Dislike the wind
• Dislike the lie or stance
• Dislike the hole location
• Dislike the club required or in between clubs
• Worry about trouble ( water , sand , trees )
• Lack of course knowledge like and try to lay up to that number whenever possible .
Play to Your Strengths Take advantage of what you do well and avoid what you don ’ t do well . If you are a bomber and your strength is your distance , don ’ t spend the round laying up with irons off the tee . If you are a position golfer who specializes in iron approach shots , don ’ t take unnecessary risks off the tee . If you excel in wedge shots inside 100 yards , you don ’ t need to try to hit the green in two on par 5s . If you prefer having more green to work with and hitting low , running chip shots , then don ’ t fire at tucked pins that leave you short-sided . If you are great at
hitting fades and have to work hard to hit draws , then play a fade . Learn what you do well and play to those strengths .
Personality Play golf within your personality . If you are naturally aggressive , it ’ s perfectly fine to play golf more aggressively . If you are naturally more cautious , then play golf more cautiously . If you are a fast-paced person , play golf fast with quick routines . If you are more laid back and slow-paced , build slower routines . If you are analytical , analyze your swing , analyze the humidity and dew point pressures , and analyze the slopes on the green . If you love music , listen to music . Be true to you .
Find Your Number It is important to have a favorite distance for approach shots . This comes into play for tee shots on short par 4s and on the second shots on par 5s . Getting as close to the green as possible isn ’ t always the best solution . Most successful golfers avoid 40-60 yard shots , only hitting a distance club like a driver or fairway wood if they can get inside 40 yards and laying back with an iron or hybrid when they can ’ t . For most golfers , an 80-yard shot is easier than a 50-yard shot . It is important to find the number that you
Aggressive Mindset vsga . org M AY / J UNE 2024 | V IRGINIA G OLFER