Shorter courses around Virginia are now eligible for a Course Rating
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Shorter courses around Virginia are now eligible for a Course Rating
The first revision to the World Handicap System™ went into effect in January and one of the key changes is the inclusion of shorter length courses in the Course Rating System™ . Golf courses as short as 750 yards for nine holes and 1,500 yards for 18 holes are now eligible for a Course Rating and Slope Rating .
“ We are thrilled with the 2024 revisions to the World Handicap System™ and how we are meeting golfers where and how they play the game today ,” said Steve Edmondson , managing director , Handicapping and Course Rating for the USGA and joint
“ The goal of our short courses has always been to create a welcoming and inclusive community of golfers of all ages , skill levels and diversities .”
— Ryan Carmen , director of golf operations , Fairfax County Park Authority
director of the World Handicap System . “ In addition to the new treatment for ninehole scores that will count toward your Handicap Index ® right away , scores will be acceptable for handicap purposes at shorter length golf courses , enhancing the enjoyment of the game of golf for golfers who play on more than 600 shorter or par-3 courses that now qualify for a Course Rating and Slope Rating .”
Prior to the 2024 revision , the minimum yardage required for a rating was at least 1,500 yards for nine holes and 3,000 yards for 18 holes . According to
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