Virginia Golfer March/April 2024 VG_MarApr24_Digital | Page 23

The current format is a team-based handicapped competition in which each team fields four players each week to play against another team in a modified match play / medal play contest . Cavender says team names such as The Shankadelics and Weapons of Grass Destruction are a point of pride .
Teams accrue points over the course of the season . The eight teams with the most points enter a playoff bracket and the final two teams play an 18-hole championship match . The champions get to hoist the Angerer Cup , named in memory of Bill Angerer , a friend of the League who died young . The teams that don ’ t make the Elite 8 compete in the Not in the Tournament Tournament . The winner earns the Toilet Bowl .
“ As an executive committee , we manage the various logistical aspects required to maintain the league ,” Cavender said . “ Two years ago , we elected to move from an independent software-based handicap system to the GHIN system . In doing so , we found it suited our needs best to become an Affiliate Club .”
Unclubbed Golf , starting its 13th season as an Affiliate Club , began as RVA9 then changed the name in July 2021 to reflect the drive to get bigger and better .
“ We are continuing to grow beyond the Richmond borders as a golf Affiliate Club , and are also expanding as a golf lifestyle brand to enable that growth ,” says Brian Ronnau , one of Unclubbed ’ s leaders . Members ( male and female ) are drawn to the club ’ s “ fellowship , community , access to the best courses ( private and public ) in the area , and the ease of getting out for a quick , social nine . We work hard to put top-tier events together on a weekly basis for our group .”
Unclubbed has more than 160 members and always is seeking more . It is the largest by the numbers Affiliate Club in Virginia .
“ As you can imagine , getting 160 people pulled together to show up at the right place and the right time can be challenging . Fortunately , we have a great process and a membership who is excited to play so they generally are very attentive to the logistics ,” says Will Saunders , a member of the VSGA Board of Directors and co-leader of Unclubbed with Ronnau .
Stories of friendships and relationships are common throughout Affiliate Clubs .
“ The best thing we hear from Unclubbed golfers is how our outings are the best part of their week ,” Ronnau says . “ Which is why we do it .”
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Affiliate Clubs offer an avenue for new social connections with folks who have one thing in common : A love for golf .

A lot falls on the shoulders of that person who is invested in trying to keep a group together and help grow the game .”

– Tripp Sheppard Retired VSGA member services director