Virginia Golfer March/April 2024 VG_MarApr24_Digital | Page 22

Unclubbed members after an event .
Fun is the name of the game for Anything But Par members .
“ The whole thing started as an Instagram account to post golf spam on ,” Ulrich said . “ We would just post golf stuff on there or use it as a broadcasting mechanism to host Ryder Cups or other golf-related events . Eventually we got connected with some folks at the VSGA who recommended that we find a bit of an identity with this thing and make it a social club . We still use our Instagram for our golf spam , opinions and other various things related to the game .”
Two of the club ’ s drawing cards are the GHIN services ($ 37 handicap fee ) and the Monthly Member Meet-Up schedule .
“ We play at a different course each month for some net Stableford or net stroke play where players buy in and receive cash for good play ,” Ulrich says . “ There is a season-long points race this year to motivate our members to show up every month .”
The group plays mostly in the Hampton Roads region , but it ventures into North Carolina on occasion . The Club Championship is played at Riverfront Golf Club in Suffolk .
Andy Cavender is an executive committee member and handicap chairman for the Dahlgren Men ’ s Golf League . There once was a Dahlgren Women ’ s Golf League . It has been out of existence for some time , but the DMGL is open to anyone of any gender 18 years or older . The current roster is about 140 players strong and more members are welcome . The League is comprised of approximately 70 % Naval or Naval support personnel and 30 % non-military .
The club is entering its seventh season playing at The Golf Club at Mattaponi Springs .
“ We have had an excellent relationship with the staff and ownership there . We are extremely fortunate to have such a beautiful and challenging golf course as our home base ,” Cavender said . “ We play every Monday evening from the middle of April to the end of September . As an ode to the old days of the nine-hole Naval base course ( built in 1925 ; closed in 2007 ), the League plays just nine holes each week .”