Virginia Golfer July / August 2021 | Page 15

Member Clubs
Courses filled up in the early stage of the pandemic as golf was one of the best socially distanced outdoor activities .
capture new players we continue to serve our current customers craving to return to Laurel Hill .”
Bull Run Golf Club , Haymarket ( Rounds : 40,000 vs . 32,000 in 2019 ) “ During the pandemic we welcomed new and returning golfers with open arms , many of whom crossed state lines to do so ,” says Mike Tate , Bull Run general manager . In fact , rounds across all five Raspberry Management courses increased 25-35 percent thanks in part to active Raspberry Golf Academy lesson programs .
Also helping was the relaxation of its loyalty program terms , which now allows members to accumulate credit on a favorite course rather than being obligated to visit other Raspberry Management properties .
“ Concerning amenities , many of our clubs enhanced outdoor seating with new expanded patios , fire pits and furnishings ,” says Tate . “ Presently we are in the process of reconfiguring our banquet hall into a multi-use space that can host golf outings , weddings and serve as a taproom for players and the general public . As our outside seating project evolves , we intend to add other outdoor activities .”
Lakeside Park Club , Richmond ( Rounds up 27 percent ) “ The Covid pandemic had people looking for safe things to do . Golf and our club provided that for our members ,” says general manager Jeff Crabbe . Conveniently the pandemic coincided with a club rebranding effort begun in 2019 as the organization transitioned from Jefferson Lakeside Country Club . “ Last year was the best we ’ ve seen in 20-plus years — and 2021 is trending even better .
“ Our rebrand has helped attract new members . New superintendent Mike Nowicki joined us in January 2020 . He has the golf course in its best shape ever . We ’ re a true Donald Ross classic that we are marketing like never before . With people looking for golf opportunities at a private club instead of taking 5-plus hours to play publicly , our membership continues to grow . Our typical pace of play is under 3.5 hours on a day of 150 golfers .”
Lakeside Park is also promoting its golf-only membership for public golfers who just want to play golf but don ’ t want the amenities of a private club . “ It ’ s been very successful ,” says Crabbe .
Farmington Country Club , Charlottesville ( Rounds up from 35,000 to 52,000 ) In last year ’ s season of uncertainty , Farmington became a haven for those wanting a familiar social life . Rounds , over its two courses , edged to 52,000 from a normal 35,000 . “ We are on track to maintain that pace ,” says general manager Joe Krenn . Helping traffic on the links is the addition of clinics , schools and small to mid-size tournaments .
Pre-pandemic Farmington had already increased its legendary golf fun factor through its promotion of adult and youth Skills Challenges , festive functions complete with music , grill , food , etc . “ These continue to be ‘ home run events ” says Krenn , “ as is the addition of more services and larger events .” Concomitantly , Farmington continues to promote play on its East Course , a layout that can be played in 75 minutes and features six par 3s , three par 4s and a par 5 .
The Golden Horseshoe , Williamsburg ( Rounds up 30 percent ) As a resort with a strong membership component , golf sales manager Jerry Morelli viewed first-hand how the pandemic impacted the golf business . In the first six months of 2020 his facility felt a lull in travel golf and large group events . Thankfully business surged from July to December leading to a 30 percent increase in play over 2019 .
For 2021 , customer retention became job No . 1 , says Morelli . “ We engaged past players using social media , email communications and new programming to keep them involved in the game . So far , we see success similar to late 2020 ,” he says . “ This has been our best spring in recent memory , especially with membership sign-ups and golf travel . Local daily fee play is still very strong and our newly formed Thursday League sold out the first few weeks of hosting .
“ In order to feed the new golfers , we have added some programming with leagues , events and clinics . We have also launched a demand-based dynamic pricing strategy that flexes our golf rates depending on the volume of play on any given day . We are very excited for the rest of the year . The new programming will continue as long as there is demand for it ,” says Morelli .
Where from Here ?
So for now , the bloom is still on the rose . Private and public play in Virginia remains quite robust . “ We do see that most public courses have been able to take modest price increases . The private club market has also gotten healthier and we have heard of some increases in initiation fees and dues ,” says Edgehill ’ s Lindsay . “ But most appear cautious until they can determine the sustainability of their 2020 results .”
To be continued …
vsga . org J ULY / A UGUST 2021 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 13