d. All three players receive twostroke penalties for failing to
start at the scheduled time.
A competitor makes a
stroke from the teeing
ground and the ball comes to
rest near a tree. He starts the
backswing for his second stroke
and in the process strikes a branch
and breaks it, improving his area
of intended swing. When the
branch breaks, he discontinues
his swing. After repositioning
himself, he makes a stroke, hits
the ball onto the putting green,
and two putts. What is his score
for the hole?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
In stroke play, Player A
asks Player B to attend
the flagstick while he putts.
B unintentionally fails to remove the flagstick after A putts
and the ball strikes the flagstick
and falls into the hole. What is
the penalty?
a. Player B incurs a two-stroke
penalty and the ball is holed.
b. Player A and Player B incur
two-stroke penalties and
the ball is holed.
c. Player A incurs a two
stroke penalty and the ball
is holed.
d. Player B is disqualified and
the stroke must be replayed.
A player’s ball is visible
when play is suspended for
severe weather and not found
when play is resumed. What is
the ruling?
a. The player’s ball is lost and
he must proceed under
Rule 27-1 (stroke and
b. The player must drop a ball
as near as possible to the
place where the original ball
lay, without penalty.
c. The player must place a ball
on the spot (or estimated
spot) from which his ball
was moved, without penalty.
d. The player must drop a ball
as near as possible to the
place where the original ball
lay, but incurs a two stroke
penalty for incorrectly
substituting a ball.
A competitor’s ball lies
through the green. She
takes a practice swing about five
yards behind the ball, extracting
a large divot which flies forward
and moves his ball a few inches.
She then plays the ball from its
new position onto the putting
green, putts out, and tees off
from the next teeing ground.
What is the ruling?
a. The competitor incurs no
penalty strokes.
b. The competitor incurs one
penalty stroke.
c. The competitor incurs two
penalty strokes.
d. The competitor is disqualified.
player’s ball is at rest in
10 Aa water
hazard. Without
penalty, which of the following
cannot be removed by the
player from the water hazard
prior to his next stroke?
a. Stake defining the margin
of the water hazard.
b. Leaf.
c. Water bottle.
d. All of the above may be
removed without penalty.
Which of the following
is considered a player’s
a. A c o i n m a r k i n g t h e
position of a ball on the
putting green.
b. A b a l l t h a t h a s b e e n
marked and lifted during
play of a hole.
c. A tee used to mark an area
in which a ball is to be
d. A shared golf cart that is
being moved by a fellowcompetitor.
While searching for her
ball in tall grass through
the green, a player finds a ball,
but can’t see her identification
mark. Without announcing
her intention to her fellowcompetitor and without marking
the ball, she separates the grass
and picks up the ball to identify
it. The player identifies the ball as
hers, cleans the ball and replaces
it. How many penalty strokes, if
any, does the player incur?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
A competitor hits his tee
shot into the rough, but
has interference from a sprinkler
head. He correctly determines
the nearest point of relief from
the sprinkler head, removes a
pine cone, and drops the ball in
the area prescribed under Rule
24-2. How many penalty strokes,
if any, does the player incur?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
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J U LY / A U G U S T 2 0 1 5 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R