Virginia Golfer July / August 2015 | Page 14

TheRULES So You Think You Can Officiate? by MATT SMILEY AND THE VSGA RULES AND COMPETITIONS COMMITTEE HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT IT TAKES to be a VSGA Rules Official? Here’s your chance to test your knowledge on the Rules of Golf for a chance to win a VSGA golf bag. Simply visit and fill in your answers. All answers must be submitted by Aug. 31. Once you have entered your responses, you will be able to view the correct answers along with the appropriate Rules and Decisions that apply to that question. One lucky winner will win a VSGA golf bag. Ties will be broken by a random draw to determine the winner. The answers and winner will be published online on Sept 1. Good luck! d. If the dropped ball comes to rest more than two clublengths from where it first struck a part of the course in the dropping zone, it must be re-dropped. In a stroke play competition, two players arrived at the tee five minutes before their starting time of 10:00 a.m. A third player arrived at 10:01 a.m. Without being given authority, player A teed off at 9:59 a.m. and Player B followed at 10:00 a.m. Player C teed off at 10:01 a.m., when he arrived. What is the ruling? a. A l l t h r e e p l a y e r s a r e disqualified for failing to start at the scheduled time. b. Player C receives a twostroke penalty for failure to arrive at the tee on time. Players A and B receive no penalty. c. Players A and C receive twostroke penalties for failing to start at the scheduled time. Player B receives no penalty. A player’s ball is partially on the fringe (through the green) and partially on the putting green. The player marks the ball, lifts it and cleans it. When the player puts the ball back, he places it so that the ball is completely on the fringe and plays it. How many penalty strokes, if any, does the player incur? a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 1 A player’s ball lies a few feet off the putting green and the player elects to putt the ball. In which situation would 2 12 the player incur a penalty? a. The player removes sand that is on his line of