Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2020 | Page 10

at c ( ) Thanks For The Memories The Delta Dental State Open of Virginia completes a seven-year run at Roanoke’s Ballyhack Golf Club by CHRIS LANG The par-3 17th at Ballyhack Golf Club. THERE’S NO DENYING THE BEAUTY OF ROANOKE’S BALLYHACK GOLF CLUB. Stand near the sixth tee, and you can survey nearly the entire front nine of Lester George’s wide-open design, all while taking in the sweeping vistas of the surrounding Blue Ridge Mountains. For the seventh and final time this July, Virginia’s top amateurs and professionals will descend upon Ballyhack in pursuit of the Farmington Cup. The Delta Dental State Open of Virginia (July 16-18) will depart Ballyhack for parts unknown in 2021. Before saying goodbye, it’s worth looking at five moments that defined the State Open at Ballyhack, in no particular order. THE SURPRISE PLAYOFF Four-time State Open champion Jay Woodson was so far off the radar that he had not even spoken to the media during the event’s first two days after shooting 73-70 in 2016. He went out early on Saturday for his final round, shot an anonymous 65 and sat in the clubhouse and waited, thinking maybe, just maybe, it would be enough to get him into a playoff. Defending champion Lanto Griffin struggled to a finalround 71, and Mark Lawrence Jr. finished with a final-round 73, and suddenly, Woodson found himself in a three-way playoff. Lawrence was eliminated on the first playoff hole, leaving Woodson and Griffin to battle it out on the second trip down No. 18. Woodson made birdie, and Griffin made par, sealing Woodson’s fourth and most unlikely State Open win. Lanto Griffin won the Delta Dental State Open of Virginia in 2015. Four years later, he won on the PGA Tour. CHRIS LANG; VSGA ARCHIVES 8 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ULY/A UGUST 2020