Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2019 | Page 21

the yellow penalty area Rule and plays it. The original ball is then found inside the penalty area within three minutes of beginning search. What is the ruling? 3 A. There is no penalty; the original ball remains the ball in play. Once you identify your fried egg in the bunker, do you have to recreate the original lie? B. There is a penalty of one stroke accord- ing to the lost ball Rule and an additional penalty of two strokes for a breach of that Rule; the original ball is lost and the player must continue with the ball dropped under the penalty area Rule. ball before finding it and in the pro- cess moves the ball. Before playing the ball, the player replaces it on its orig- inal spot without replacing the sand. The player makes a stroke at the ball. Which is correct? A. There is no penalty; the player has not breached the Rules. B. There is a penalty of one stroke for moving the ball. C. The player gets the general penalty for playing the ball without having re-created the original lie. A player’s ball lies in a pen- alty area. Before taking a stance to play the ball, the player makes a practice swing, touching the ground with a club that incidentally removes loose imped- iments near the ball. The player also breaks the branch of a small shrub with a hand, improving the area of the intended swing. What is the ruling? 4 A. There is a total penalty of six strokes. B. There is a total penalty of four strokes. C. There is a total penalty of two strokes. A player’s ball lies near a very large log that intervenes on the line of play but does not interfere with the stance or the area of the intended swing. The player enlists the help of several other players, moves the log and plays the ball as it lies. What is the ruling? 5 B. There is a penalty of one stroke. C. There is no penalty. A player removes the flag- stick and places it on the p u tt i n g g r e e n n e a r t h e hole. After the player putts, another player sees that the player’s ball in motion might strike the unat- tended flagstick. The other player picks up the flagstick before the ball reaches it, allowing the ball to roll beyond where the removed flagstick had been placed. What is the ruling? 6 C. There is a penalty of one stroke accord- ing to the lost ball Rule and an additional penalty of two strokes for a serious breach of that Rule. The player must abandon both balls previously played, return to the teeing area and put a ball into play. A player plays his or her ball from a bunker and the ball comes to rest in another bun- ker on the other side of the putting green. Before leaving the first bunker, the player smooths the foot- prints that he or she just made. After playing out of the second bunker, the player’s ball comes to rest in the first bunker. What is the ruling? 8 A. There is no penalty. A. There is no penalty. B. The other player gets a penalty of two strokes. B. There is a penalty of two strokes if the ball comes to rest in the smoothed area. C. The player gets a penalty of two strokes. C. There is a penalty of two strokes for testing the condition of the first bunker. Having struck his or her tee shot in the direction of some trees bordering a yellow pen- alty area, a player briefly searches for the ball in the penalty area but does not find it. Without knowledge or virtual certainty that the ball lies in the penalty area, the player drops a ball behind the penalty area (about 55 yards forward of the teeing area) according to 7 5 If you have a couple of friends, maybe you can move this rather large loose impediment. A. There is a penalty of two strokes. J U LY / A U G U ST 2 0 19 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 19