You think you know the new Rules of Golf?
Test your mettle with this 20-question quiz.
club that is nearest to the bush must be
determined and he or she must drop the
ball in the relief area within one club-
length of that point not nearer the hole
than the point.
The nearest point of relief for
this ball on the cart path may
leave you with a difficult shot.
B. The nearest point of complete relief on
the opposite side of the cart path must be
estimated and he or she must drop the ball
in the relief area within one club-length of
that point not nearer the hole than the point.
C. The nearest point of complete relief
within the bush must be estimated and he
or she must drop the ball in the relief area
within one club-length of the estimated
point not nearer the hole than the point.
A player’s ball in motion
after a stroke on the putting
green is deflected by another
player’s ball played from a
bunker. What is the ruling?
n the first four months of 2019, the
Virginia State Golf Association’s Rules
and Competitions staff spent hours
upon hours criss-crossing the state to
teach more than 70 Rules of Golf seminars.
And whether you went to a full-day or half-
day session or attended a session at your
club, it was clear that VSGA members were
interested in learning about the new Rules.
In all, more than 2,500 people participated
in a Rules seminar this spring.
So let’s put that knowledge to use. Head to to take the Virginia Golfer Rules
of Golf quiz. The questions are below and,
unless otherwise indicated, they pertain
to stroke play.
In determining the nearest
point of complete relief from
interference by a cart path,
a player is unable physical-
ly to determine the nearest point of
complete relief because that point is
within a thick bush. What is the proper
procedure for the player to follow if he
or she elects to take relief?
A. The nearest point of complete relief
that he or she can reach with a selected
V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J U LY / A U G U ST 2 0 1 9
A. The player’s stroke does not count and
the original ball or another ball must be
placed on the original spot.
B. The player’s stroke counts and the ball
must be played as it lies.
C. In fairness, both strokes do not count
and are replayed without penalty.
A player ’s ball lies cov-
ered by sand in a bunker.
In searching, the player
moves sand covering the