Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2019 | Page 9

Around The Commonwealth Recipients of 2019 VSGA-VIP Scholarship awards gather on the steps at Richmond Country Club for VSGA Day on May 6. SCHOLARS HONORED The VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation honored 29 high-school seniors and two Ph.D. students in the turfgrass research program at Virginia Tech during its annual VSGA Day ceremony, held May 6 at Rich- mond Country Club. The Foundation provides grants and gifts for scholarships, scientific and educational research, and other charitable purposes. This year’s grants total $88,000 and since being launched 35 years ago, the program has distributed nearly $2.4 million to 1,023 students. Funding for scholarships is gen- erated primarily from the sale of the VSGA VIP Golf Card. Visit for more information on purchasing a card. 2019 Scholarship Recipients Spencer-Wilkinson Awards: Lisa Qin ($6,000) and Virginia Adams ($4,000). Both graduated from Maggie Walker Governor’s School in Richmond. C. Dan Keffer Award ($6,000): Aaron Liu (Vienna/James Madison HS) David A. King Award ($4,000): Leslie Lytle (Alexandria/T.C. Williams HS) Red Speigle Award ($4,000): Rebecca DiNunzio (Norfolk/Granby HS) Richard Smith Award ($4,000): Jimmy Taylor (Alexandria/Gonzaga Prep) $3,000 awards: Jordan Baker (Richmond/Richmond Community HS); Evan Blanton (Big Stone Gap/Union HS); Jackson Bruns (Charlottesville/Albemarle HS); Catherine Burton (Winchester/ Handley HS); Benjamin Choe (Oak Hill/Oakton HS); Caleb Choe (Virginia Beach/Cape Henry Collegiate); Roman Cutler (Merry Point/Lancaster HS); Lucia Eovino (North Chesterfield/Maggie Walker); Leonard Park (Virginia Beach/Kellam HS); James Tyler (Virginia Beach/Cape Henry Collegiate). $2,500 awards: Ross Funderburke (Roanoke/Hidden Valley HS); Peter Jacobsen (Arlington/ Wakefield HS). $2,000 awards: John Altizer (Smithfield/Smithfield HS); Gerry Lee Jones Jr. (Suffolk/home school); Caroline Michaelian (Virginia Beach/Salem HS); Gabriel Parker (Richmond/Trinity Episcopal); Jacob Pfeiffer (Stafford/North Stafford HS); Killian Quirk (Sterling/Potomac Falls HS); Cassandra Robinson (Emporia/Greensville County HS); Wesley Runnion (Midlothian/Cosby HS); Daniel Smith (Rustburg/Rustburg HS); Mackenzie Wall (Virginia Beach/Frank Cox HS); Jonah Winistorfer (Blacksburg/Blacksburg HS). $1,500 Turfgrass Research Awards: John Brewer (Blacksburg) and Jordan Craft (Newport). J U LY / A U G U ST 2 0 19 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 7