Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2019 | Page 10

( atc ) Next Up Spotlighting the next generation of Virginia golfers THE NEXT CHAPTER by CHRIS LANG Virginia Golfer: You played arguably the best golf of your career this spring. What were some of the key reasons for that suc- cess? What did you learn from previous years that helped you put it all together this spring? Amanda Hollandsworth: This spring I really concentrated on my confidence and teaching myself into believing that I was capable of playing this sport at a higher level and doing it well. I read several books and listened to many podcasts regarding con- 8 fidence and something just finally clicked. Confidence is a vital aspect of golf especially if you want to succeed, but it’s tricky to grab ahold of and very easy to lose. I’ve learned so much over my entire golf career, but I’ve learned the most over my last five years at Virginia Tech. I have learned from many mistakes and over- came several obstacles that have made me the golfer and person that I am today. I’ve learned to care about the big picture and to focus on my goals and dreams, V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J U LY / A U G U ST 2 0 1 9 AMANDA HOLLANDSWORTH AGE: 23 HOMETOWN: Floyd SCHOOL: Virginia Tech (2015-19) FUN FACT: Hollandsworth played her last year as a graduate student and earned her Master’s degree in May. while still remaining in the moment. I’ve learned that I am more than the score at the end of the day and people care about me as a person more than they do my ability to play golf, so I should respect myself and others around me. I have also learned that playing a sport is supposed to be fun and if you aren’t having fun while doing it then it probably isn’t the right fit for you. AMANDA HOLLANDSWORTH HAS BEEN ONE OF VIRGINIA’S MOST ACCOM- PLISHED FEMALE GOLFERS OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS. Her resume includes two VSGA Junior Girls’ titles, a VSGA Women’s Stroke Play victory and two appearances in the final match of the VSGA Women’s Amateur. She took another giant step this spring when she qualified for the U.S. Women’s Open and finished fifth at the NCAA Division I Individual Championship. Hollandsworth recently finished her college career at Virginia Tech and turned pro- fessional before the U.S. Women’s Open. She took some time to chat with Virginia Golfer about her career and what lies ahead in her future.