Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2016 | Page 6

Contents JULY/AUG 2016 AROUND THE COMMONWEALTH 7C  lark’s Charge A VSGA member helped St. Leo University win the Division II men’s golf national championship. 10 8C  hampions Crowned A look at the winners from the VSGA’s spring championships. DEPARTMENTS THE RULES 12 You Think You Know the Rules? T  est your knowledge with the VSGA’s Rules of Golf quiz. GREAT HOLES 15 No. 2 at James River Country Club The host site of the 2016 VSGA Women’s Amateur also features a fascinating museum. HALL OF FAME 16 Scenes from the Homestead  Recapping the induction ceremony for the inaugural class of the Virginia Golf Hall of Fame. FIT FOR PLAY 38 Namaste  How Yoga can help your flexibility —and your golf game. EQUIPMENT 38 Making the Jump  It’s never too late in the season to upgrade your gear. MY TURN 40 Heading Home 4 V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J U LY /A U G U ST 2 0 1 6 JULY/AUGUST 2016 LOOPED IN CHRIS LANG; ST. LEO UNIVERSITY; THE MANUFACTURERS (2) 8  Virginia Wesleyan’s Evan Cox won a Division III national championship. Now he’s on to bigger things. $2.95 Official publication of the Virginia State Golf Association as a service to its more than 72,000 members and VIP cardholders plus EXPLORE NOVA SCOTIA’S CAPE BRETON GLENN MULLIAN AND LEE MCCOY’S UNLIKELY FRIENDSHIP YOGA AND GOLF: PERFECT PARTNERS Two PGA Tour caddies with Virginia ties share their stories about looping on the world’s biggest golf stage. ON THE COVER: James Hahn and caddie Mark Urbanek embrace after Hahn’s win at Quail Hollow in North Carolina earlier this year. Photo by David Grooms, Cal Sport Media via AP images.