Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2016 | Page 5

Contents JULY/AUG 2016 30 Canadian Gem Off the beaten path, Nova Scotia’s Cabot Cliffs has quickly become a must-see golf destination. FEATURES 18 Following Through How Glenn Mullian’s newfound relationship with top collegian Lee McCoy changed Mullian’s life. 22 26 28 Mark Urbanek, a William & Mary graduate, and Dustin Groves, a past VSGA junior champion, share stories of working the bag on the PGA Tour. Lauren Greenlief, VSGA member and 2015 USGA champion, shares her experiences competing at the highest level of women’s golf. Zika virus concerns have become the No. 1 storyline heading into the Rio Olympics. EVAN SCHILLER In The Loop Kingsmill Memories Buzz(kill) in Brazil Now open: Cabot Cliffs is leaving visitors breathless. J U LY /A U G U ST 2 0 16 | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R 3