The Rules
the player is advised by player A
that she is not permitted to add
or replace clubs just because
she is putting poorly. Accordingly, she replaces the second
putter with her original putter
and leaves the second putter at
the clubhouse. Assuming that
a timely claim is made, what is
the ruling?
a. Player B wins the hole as
player A gave advice.
b. At the completion of the
10th hole, the state of
the match is adjusted by
deducting one hole from
player B.
c. There is no penalty to
either player.
d. Both players are disqualified for agreeing to waive
the rules.
6. The Committee has
adopted the local rule
allowing competitors to use
distance-measuring devices.
A player begins a round with
a distance-measuring device
which has a feature that allows
it to measure slope, however
this feature is turned off. The
player uses the device for
approach shots on the first and
second holes. What penalty, if
any is incurred?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. The player is disqualified.
A’s ball comes to rest in the
water hazard. Before player B
plays, he asks player A what he
is going to do and player A tells
him that he is going to proceed
under Rule 26-1b. After player
B plays, player A changes his
mind and decides to play the
ball as it lies in the water hazard. Assuming player B makes
a timely claim, what penalty, if
any, does player A incur?
a. Player A incurs no penalty.
b. Player A incurs a onestroke penalty.
c. Player A incurs a loss of
hole penalty.
d. Player A is disqualified.
9. In stroke play, a player’s ball
lies in a water hazard. The player, unaware she is in a hazard,
grounds her club lightly behind
the ball in the hazard, grounds
his club lightly behind the ball in
the hazard and the ball immediately moves. What is the ruling?
a. The player incurs a onestroke penalty and must
replace the ball.
b. The player incurs a twostroke penalty and must
play the ball as it lies.
c. The player incurs a twostroke penalty and must
replace the ball.
d. The player incurs a total
penalty of three strokes
and must replace the ball.
10. In a match between A and
B on the par 3 seventh hole, A,
who has the honor, makes a
hole-in-one. He then tells his
opponent, B, that he hit a six
iron and that B should therefore
hit a five iron. Player B makes a
stroke from the teeing ground
and the ball sails over the putting green. Player B picks up his
ball and heads to the next teeing
ground, but before either player
makes a stroke from the eighth
teeing ground B makes a valid
claim. What is the ruling?
a. Player A wins the seventh
b. Player B wins the seventh
c. The hole is halved.
d. Player A is disqualified.
11. In match play, player A’s ball
comes to rest next to a rock
wall that has been deemed an
integral part of the course by
the Committee. He lifts his
ball, intending to take relief
under Rule 24-2, and drops it
less than one club-length, no
closer to the hole, from the
wall at a point where his lie of
ball, stance or area of intended
swing are no longer affected by
the wall. His opponent, player
B, witnesses this entire procedure but says nothing at the
time. Player B holes out in 5
strokes, then player A holes
out in 4 strokes. Before either
player tees off on the next hole,
Player B makes a claim (following the correct procedure
in Rule 2-5) regarding player
A’s drop away from the wall
and states that he wants a ruling. How should the Committee rule?
a. Player B is disqualified
for agreeing to waive the
b. Since player B witnessed
everything player A did,
the claim was not valid and
the hole stands as played.
c. Player A was not entitled to
7. Which of the following is not
equipment of player A?
a. A sand bottle being held by
his caddie.
b. A glove used to mark his
ball that has been lifted.
c. A rake that his caddie has
just used and placed on the
d. A towel shared by player A
and player B that is currently being used by player B.
8. In a match between A and
B, player B hits his tee shot
just short of a water hazard
that crosses the fairway. Player
J U LY /A U G U ST | V I R G I N I A G O L F E R