Virginia Golfer Jul / Aug 2016 | Page 14

(atc) QUESTION 2 HOW WELL DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE RULES OF GOLF? Put your knowledge to the test for a chance to win a VSGA golf bag. Simply visit and submit your answers by Aug. 31. Once you have entered your responses, you will be able to view the correct answers along with the appropriate Rules and Decisions that apply to that question. The entries with the top scores will be entered into a drawing and the winner will receive a VSGA golf bag. The answers and winner will be published online on Sept. 1. Grab your Decisions on the Rules of Golf book and start today! Good luck! 1. A competitor plays a chip shot from the bottom of a steep slope (through the green), with a lateral water hazard just behind her. The chip shot briefly stops on the putting green, then begins to roll back down the slope. The player walks towards the ball and swings the club forward in disgust with the intent to strike the moving ball. She hits the ball and it comes to rest on the putting green. The ball likely would have come to rest in the lateral water hazard if she had not hit the moving ball. What is the ruling? 12 a. The player incurs a onestroke penalty and must play the ball as it lies. b. The player incurs a twostroke penalty and must play the ball as it lies. c. The player incurs a twostroke penalty and must place the ball at the point which she struck it while it was moving. d. The player is disqualified. 2. During a stipulated round, a competitor uses a rod to check her swing plane. She does so V I R G I N I A G O L F E R | J U LY /A U G U ST 2 0 1 6 while waiting to play to the 5th putting green, but takes five practice swings using the rod. She does not use the rod any more during the course of the round. What penalty, if any, does she incur? a. There is no penalty as long as she does not use it during a stroke. b. The competitor incurs a one-stroke penalty on the 5th hole. c. The competitor incurs a two-stroke penalty on the 5th hole. d. The player is disqualified. 4. A competitor’s ball lies through the green near a boundary stake. In order to fairly take a stance, the player leans against the boundary stake and moves it several inches. There is also a garden hose lying out of bounds which interferes with the player’s area of intended stance. As it is easily moved, the player picks it up and moves it out of the way. How many penalty strokes, if any, does the player incur? a. 0 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 5. Player A is playing a match against player B. Player B, who started the round with 14 clubs, is putting poorly. Between the play of holes 9 and 10, and without unduly delaying play, player B takes her putter out of her bag and replaces it with another putter from her locker. On the 10th tee, but before player B makes a stroke with any club, CHRIS LANG (2) Are You Smarter Than A Rules Official? 3. In stroke play, player A is on the fringe (through the green) 40 feet from the hole and player B is on the putting green 30 feet from th