Virginia Golfer January/February 2024 VG_JanFeb24_Digital | Page 40


by LARKIN GROSS PGA / Assistant Professional at
Springfield Golf & Country Club 2021 PGA of America Player of the Year

Keeping Your Edge

How to maintain your game in the winter from home

AS THE SEASONS TURN AND WE FEEL THE CHILL IN THE AIR , WE FACE THE REALIZATION THAT ANOTHER GOLF SEASON HAS COME TO A CLOSE . There is nothing worse than the feeling of finally getting your game together , only to have it put on hold by our less-than-ideal winter weather here in the Mid-Atlantic area . The question is : how can you continue to upkeep your game when the weather turns arctic ?

The simple answer — and the one we see all too often — is to put the clubs away and hope that by watching the tropical swing of the PGA Tour , we can learn by osmosis and our game will come out no worse for the wear . This strategy , however easy and preferable it may seem , is not the correct one unless you plan to start over again in the spring . Here , we ’ ll be talking about the best ways to work on your game when the weather makes you want to be by the fire , not underneath a space heater at your local range .
Of course , the best way to keep your game sharp is to find a range that has heat or is fully indoors , but here are three ways you can maintain good feels without even leaving your home .
38 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2024 vsga . org